Important Notice Regarding Canada Post Service Disruption

For the latest information on Canada Post service updates, visit

Canada Post is currently experiencing a labour disruption that may affect mail delivery for @home Energy customers. We’re reminding customers that it’s important to stay on top of your bill payments, ensuring bills are paid by the due date.

It’s important to stay on top of bill payments. Avoid issues accessing your bill by signing up for paperless billing today!

Several options are available for accessing bills and making payments:
  • MyAccount E-Bill Portal (paperless billing) When signed up for paperless billing, an email notification will be sent whenever a new bill is generated. It’s free and simple. Click here to access the portal. Existing paperless billing customers will continue to receive E-Bills. You can pay and view bills, payment history, and add multiple accounts to your web profile.
  • Bill Payment Options Payments can be made via telephone or online banking, Pre-Authorized Payments (Direct Debit), or at your banking institution. We also offer credit card payment options via telephone, through our online portals or by setting up recurring credit card payments.

Although we don’t often contact our customers via telephone, customers will be receiving an automated call to notify them that a bill has been issued with important details.  


Contact a member of our customer care team Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. by phone at 705.675.0525 or by email at For the latest information on Canada Post service updates, visit

Pre-Authorized Payments

1) Chequing account

Through a chequing account, we offer two different payment plans. 

Variable Payment Plan: the exact amount of your quarterly bill will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account, on the due date of your bill.
Equal Payment Plan: a set equal payment amount is withdrawn on the same day of every month with a reconciliation month once a year.

2) Visa or MasterCard

Recurring automatic credit card withdrawals are available for Visa or MasterCard. Click here to register.

Telephone or Internet/ Online Banking

If you’re having difficulty registering for online banking payments, it’s a good idea to phone your bank for help, as they can walk you through it step by step, to ensure your payments reach your intended destination. 

Here are some tips to get you started: When entering our company name, @home Energy, into your banking website, you must spell it out as seen here: At Home Energy or Athome Energy
You should then be prompted to enter your 18-digit account number; do not include a dash or space.

Banking Institution

In order to make payment with at a bank teller, you must must have a bank card and a copy of your @home Energy bill for the account number.

Credit Card

We accept Visa and MasterCard. Payment can be made over the phone, in person, or online here.
Credit card transactions are done through a reputable and secure third party company, Paymentus. All fees associated with these transactions are covered by @home Energy. We appreciate your business, and thank you for choosing @home Energy. 
Click here to register for Recurring Automatic Credit Card Payments
