@home Blog

Welcome to our Home Blog page!

Your go-to resource for everything related to your home needs and water heater rentals. Whether you’re a homeowner, business owner, or industrial facility manager, we’ve got you covered with comprehensive insights and expert advice.

Our blog covers a wide range of topics to help you make informed decisions about water heater rentals, including different types, cost considerations, maintenance tips, and specific considerations for residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

Explore Our Topics

Types of Water Heaters: Learn about the various types of water heaters available for rental, including:

tankless water heater rentals in northern ontario by At Home Energy

Tankless Water Heater

combi-boiler water heater rentals in northern ontario by At Home Energy


gas and electric water heater rentals in northern ontario by At Home Energy

Gas and Electric

Cost Considerations: Get detailed insights into the costs associated with water heater rentals, including:

rent vs own a water heater illustration by water heater rentals company At Home Energy

Rent vs Own

Receive all the benefits of a high-end, high-efficiency appliance with no cash down. Parts and service are included for the life of the water heater.

design of a modern kitchen with water heater rentals by At home energy

@home Energy vs The Competition

We always choose to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Our specialty is renting water heaters and combi-boilers. It’s all we do, and we do it REALLY well.

hot water from the stainless steel faucet installed by water heater rentals company At Home energy

Energy Efficiency

Understand how different water heaters can impact your energy bills and overall savings.

Maintenance Tips: Keep your water heater running smoothly with our expert maintenance tips:

regular maintenance icon for water heater rentals company

Regular Maintenance

troubleshooting icon for water heater rentals company

Troubleshooting Common Issues

water tank icon for water heater rentals company

Extending Lifespan

Recent Posts

energy efficient by water heater rentals company at home energy

Stay Informed and Connected

We’re dedicated to providing you with the information you need to make the best decisions for your water heating needs.

Our blog is regularly updated with new posts, expert tips, and industry news to keep you informed and ahead of the curve.

Whether you’re looking to rent a water heater for your home, business, or industrial facility, we have the knowledge and experience to guide you every step of the way.

water heater rentals company logo at home energy

Contact Us

@home Energy is a division of Greater Sudbury Utilities.

Have questions or need personalized advice? Contact our team of experts for a consultation. We’re here to help you find the perfect water heater rental solution for your specific needs.

Stay connected with At Home Energy for the latest updates and expert advice on water heater rentals.
